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Aldebaran also called Ashtari is the brightest star in Taurus constellation. A giant red star with a diameter 44 times that of the Sun. Aldebaran played a major role in occultism, holding many names, Buddha’s star, the Star of Illumination, God’s Eye, The Eye of Revelation star, etc.




Taurus Constellation spans nearly 30 degrees longitude in the zodiac signs Taurus and Gemini.


Position in the Year 2000       Astronomical Name             Star Common Name                   Magnitude            Orb

             9 Gemini 47                        Alpha Tauri                              Aldebaran                                    0,9                   2°40


Conjunct alignment with our Sun and Earth occurs every year around May 30th.

(day-time mediation in the Northern Hemisphere)

and the Opposite Alignment from around  until around November 30th.

(night-time meditation in the Northern Hemisphere).


*Note the alignments are the other way around for Southern Hemisphere.


To check on the exact dates, search HERE for Sun returning to Aldebaran Stars Astrological degrees listed below.


You can also use our free calculator HERE to see if Aldebaran stars are present in your natal Astro chart or on the day of your interest.









Fixed star Aldebaran is of the nature of Mars. It gives honor, intelligence, eloquence, steadfastness, integrity, popularity, courage, ferocity, a tendency to sedition, a responsible position, public honor, and gain of power and wealth. Aldebaran has been thought eminently fortunate, portending riches and honor; and was one of the four Royal Stars, or Guardians of the Sky, of Persia, 5000 years ago, when it marked the vernal equinox. Aldebaran is also one of the 15 Behenian Fixed Stars. This is one of the four key stars in the heavens, also called Archangel stars, Michael in this case –military commander of the Heavenly Host. It was also called “Watcher of the East”, possibly since it is the bull’s eye, though each of the Archangels is a “Watcher of”; Gabriel (Fomalhaut) of the SouthRaphael (Regulus) of the North; Oriel (Antares) of the West. At one time they marked the two Equinoxes and two Solstices. To Ptolemy, Aldebaran was a Mars-type star, and indeed the red giant can be mistaken for that red planet at times, so it is no surprise that it has been much associated with war and military careers, and “The Follower”, as its name translates, can well be taken to imply following in the steps of the celestial general, Michael.




Aldebaran star is only 65 light years away from us and it is a well-known stop for endless galactic travellers. It holds a gateway to a portal system which allows interdimensional, interstellar, and intergalactic travel. Aldebaran has a militant, warrior, protector, hero kind of vibe andit is said to be aligned to Royal Blue and Violet rays, of the Elohim grail line and Archangel Michael consciousness frequencies. It has been spiritually recognized for its alignment with divinity. Having Aldebaran in any planetary position can indicate that Archangel Michael is your main guiding angel helping you to embody blue and purple frequencies of leadership and wisdom, aligned with Universal harmony and peace. A Royal fixed star in a natal chart suggests a Royalty blood line connection on a soul or human DNA level. Aldebaran is linked the Abrahamic lineage, King David, King Solomon, the royalty of Mesopotamia. Also linked to the ancient gods of Mesopotamia known as Anunnaki. It often reveals past lives in Mesopotamia/Sumeria and later in times of Jesus and the Essenes. Many Aldebaran starseeds are guided to heal ancestral wounds with their family lineages and assist others to do the same. They feel a deep desire to embody divine leadership, compassionate guides to help others awaken divinity within themselves.


Aldebaran star is only 65 light years away from us and it is a well-known stop for endless galactic travelers. It holds a gateway to a portal system which allows interdimensional, interstellar, and intergalactic travel. Aldebaran has a militant, warrior, protector, hero kind of vibe and it is said to be aligned to Royal Blue and Violet rays, of the Elohim grail line and Archangel Michael consciousness frequencies. It has been spiritually recognized for its alignment with divinity. Having Aldebaran in any planetary position can indicate that Archangel Michael is your main guiding angel helping you to embody blue and purple frequencies of leadership and wisdom, aligned with Universal harmony and peace. A Royal fixed star in a natal chart suggests a Royalty blood line connection on a soul or human DNA level. Aldebaran is linked the Abrahamic lineage, King David, King Solomon, the royalty of Mesopotamia. Also linked to the ancient gods of Mesopotamia known as Anunnaki. It often reveals past lives in Mesopotamia/Sumeria and later in times of Jesus and the Essenes. Many Aldebaran starseeds are guided to heal ancestral wounds with their family lineages and assist others to do the same. They feel a deep desire to embody divine leadership, compassionate guides to help others awaken divinity within themselves.


Aldebaran, the fiery enormous star is host to a complex planetary system with many different beings, but there are three main civilizations that are relevant to Earth:


•9thdimensional beings of light, the elders, the guardians.

•Anunnaki colony –master geneticists partly responsible for humanity’s DNA modification, the gods/rulers of Mesopotamia.

•Lyran colony, descendants of Lyran races who found a refuge here after their world was attacked millions of years ago. Some are blond pale humans, some are various hair, eyes, and skin colours, some are feline humans. Some of the elders of Aldebaran look majestic. Their bodies are still lion-like, in the stature, but their spines are longer and straighter. They have white or golden fine fur, sometimes wearing long robes, and some of them with wings. 



















Here are some ofthe most common Aldebaran Starseed traits:



Aldebaran starseeds are naturally inclinedto be the guardians for those around themwho need support,they look out for the weak ones, and they naturally step into the role of a protector and a guide.



Because Aldebaran is so close to Pleiadesand Hyades,they are considered the big brothers of the Pleiadeansand Hyadeans. They tend to have many Pleiadian& Hyadean starseeds friends and family members and act as their guides,ascensionactivators, watchers, and protectors.They support each other’s galactic soul missions on Earth.



Because Aldebaran is called the guardian of theEast, these starseeds seem to be naturally more focused onthe eastside. Their bed may be facing east(head), theyare born on the east of their country, east side of town, orthey move east...They are drawn to vistas in the east, they simply connect more with this direction, as crazy as it sounds.



Those with Aldebaran soul connection find themselves in leadership position at some point in their life. Even as early as school years when they are chosen by their class as the representatives, or later in work, they become recognised as team leaders, quickly rising to top positions. And certainly, some Aldebaran starseeds grow to have large scale leadership influence as part of organisations, or as online influencer etc. They can handle the pressure and act with great responsibility and integrity. The Archangel Michael codes are strongly embodied here.



They tend to manifest money, and material security with ease. They have a soul memory of royal lives and that frequency of abundance is still with them. (unless there are energy blocks to be cleared) They believe that they are meant to live in prosperity and they skilfully manifest their vision into reality sooner than later.



They feel like they arehere to carry the world on their shoulders. They see how much work still needs to be done on Earth to free the people from deception and suffering and they are the ones that roll up their sleeves and get to work. To the point of exhausting their bodies. They learn the hard way about the importance of work/rest balance.



They uphold high standards, higher valuesand integrity. They can feel as if they are watched or tested in situations that present an opportunity to lower their standards or choose the dark side. They proudly choose to do the right thing and lead by example, even when no one is watching.



They feel connected to their innate gifts and qualities from their many lives. They feel their ancient soul and they are drawn to reconnect with the mysteries of life, universal laws, Gnosticism, occult, metaphysics, science, healing arts, etc.They are skilled or knowledgeable about multitude of topics that are relevant to the evolution of consciousnessand leadership roles.



They grow to become master communicators, able to talk about multitude of topics with grace and charm. They can easily captivate their audience. They are comfortable talking to a janitor just as much as talking to a president. They are used to VIPs from their past lives so high-status person does not faze them in this life.



They seem to be exposed to exceeding amount of different social groups since their early childhood through traveling or engaging in many activities. This is because they act as antennas and anchors for higher frequencies of consciousness linked to Aldebaran and Antares Stargates that lead higher dimensions. They are the human version of ‘jump leads’ for activating others awakening, supporting evolution of human consciousness. Overall, Aldebaran starseeds are caring, genuine, grounded, stable, strong, resilient, respectful, understanding, compassionate. Proud, yet humblein their inherent wisdom. They usually manifest a strong foundation for their life by creating a pleasant home and a partner or friends that support their life mission.




1.Astrology King Aldebaran Fixed Star

2.Danaan, Elena. A Gift From The Stars: Extra-terrestrial Contacts and Guide of Alien Races (pp. 285). Kindle Edition.

3.Galactic art used with permission by Vashta, Davian Art









Julia made a wonderful video about Aldebaran HERE                                                                and HERE.





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